Originally Posted by Luke
Aquila a woman has complete sovereignty over her body and when she chooses to participate in actions that can lead to pregnancy she by making those chocies accepts responsibility for thoses choices.
I agree to an extent. But the truth is, people often make love without the intent to have children. I believe most have, if they are honest about it.
The argument that abortion gives a woman the right control her body is ludicrous abortion is not to allow control it is to terminate.
Abortion doesn't give rights. Nor does the government. Personal sovereignty over one's person is a God given right and responsibility.
A woman does have the ability to chooses what she does to her self but not what she does to another.
Pregnancy is a unique situation. No other circumstance in nature reflects the state of being pregnant. We can't deny the personal sovereignty of a woman over her body to protect the fruit of her womb. Most would agree that this is an extremely difficult and complex issue. Do we deny a woman's personal sovereignty to protect the unborn? We'd not deny her personal sovereignty and force her to abort. We'd not force her to give birth against her will, reducing her to a "breeder". But we also don't want to deny any rights to the unborn either. Many have come to the conclusion that since this situation is so unique... the fruit of a woman's womb is hers. It is her body, her womb, her fruit. The fruit being a part of her very person. Therefore any decision involving her person be it related to health or in matters relating to life and death... are best to be hers to make. Now, this is a significant amount of power. Being a person who values life, I pray that more women would use that power for good and not for evil.
What if the aborted baby is a female you kust gave someone else the control of her body. What about her control of her own body?
An unborn child is fruit of the womb. And until born, it's a part of the mother's person.
The amuseing thing about the control issue to me is that a woman that geets an abortion is not going in to get her body ripped apart and vacumed out rather it is to get SOMEONE ELSE"S BODY ripped apart and vacumed out. In reality it is not control of her body but of someone else's body.
Many simply can't swallow the either position. Most don't like abortion. Most believe it's a terrible and tragic thing. Most also can't embrace the idea of forcing a woman to give birth against her will. So, many put the onus on individual women. Let women choose... and answer to their God.
Here is a very interesting study to look at in relation to this topic:
Summary: This report reviews available statistics regarding reasons given for obtaining abortions in the United States, including surveys by the Alan Guttmacher Institute and data from seven state health/statistics agencies that report relevant statistics (Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah). The official data imply that AGI claims regarding "hard case" abortions are inflated by roughly a factor of three. Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 1%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%. About 98% of abortions in the United States are elective, including socio-economic reasons or for birth control. This includes perhaps 30% for primarily economic reasons.
Yep, I've tried to say that for decades now. Socio-economic reasons. If we're so pro-life... why don't we try to address some of those socio-economic concerns? I'll tell you why... it's cheaper to just vote pro-life and support a ban. It costs money to actually address those deeper socio-economic concerns. Of course, there is a prolife group trying to address these concerns. They are the Democrats for Life of America. Mostly Catholic and Protestant Democrats who value life. They have what is known as the 95-10 Initiative. It's goal is to reduce the abortion rate 95% in 10 years, if the initiatives are signed into law.
Yes. So is one scared solider shooting another... when both have nothing personal against one another... they were merely commanded to kill by political powers that be.
Life and death decisions are made every day. The power of life and death often rests in an individual's hands given circumstance. It's a fact of life. Having been in the military, I've been able to reconcile with that fact. This doesn't mean that ever life and death decision is right. However, the point is... we're often granted the right to make that decision for good or for bad.