Altering the need for the altar...
My question this week is:
What is "repentance”?
I recently heard a man preach that religion has perverted the true power of the cross, and the truth is that Christ has defeated sin “once and for all”.
Along with his exhortation of the one-time sacrifice of sin, he said, “repentance is to be done only once”. After that, you simply follow the Holy Ghost, and if you feel guilty doing something then simply “stop it”. Guilt comes only because you are not following in obedience to your Holy Ghost, and all it takes is obedience to correct the problem and remove the guilt.
In this message, he mentioned that he has "passed beyond the barrier of temptation", because he passed the tests, and "Just said No!”.
"Does repentance require anything more than the resolute mind, to be free from sin, or is it enough to just walk away and just stop-it"?
New perceptions that come through systematical indoctrination, do not change truth. Truth is true even if no one agrees with it, fights for it, or proclaims it. Yet in the end, there it is!