New Tattoos
At the risk of being stoned on here, I want to confess that both of my kids got tattoos yesterday. They are 18 and almost 25, so there isn't much I could say about it, and they forked over the money. When I first saw them, I was a little freaked otu, but they are both Christian symbols and they feel like they are a witness to their peers. I have very mixed emotions about tattooing; I can't really say that it's Biblically wrong, but I could never get one. I can't even pierce my ears; just a personal thing.
My son got a "chi rho" (Christian symbol) on his wrist and my daughter got "My God is Eternal" in Hebrew on her arm. They are thrilled with them. Maybe I'm just too old to understand the fascination. I told them it's a fad, and when they are fifty like me, it will not be so cute. How did these free-siprited non-conformist children come from my womb???? I know on here I am considered liberal, but actually I am a very conservative thinking, non-risk-taking, level headed person.
Oh well, I guess I should be thankful that they are good kids, totally in love with Jesus, and willing to tell the world. When I came home last night, they and two other young people were in the living room listening to a sermon on DVD by a youth pastor in Washington, and my daughter was just weeping. I thought then that I may not totally understand them, but they are sold out radical young people. They have both recently had such an influence on their friends in the world; way more than I ever did at their ages.
So, what's the big deal about tattoos anyway? I guess they can always have them surgically removed if they get old and wrinkled.