YES, unfortunately! The last time I bought beer for beer bread, it was nearly all I was at the grocery store to buy. I had placed it on the bottom of my cart, and somehow the carton fell over and beer bottles went rolling everywhere in the meat section.

When I finally got them all picked up (or when I got another carton of beer--I can't remember which one it was)--I put them in the TOP portion of the grocery cart so there was no danger of them rolling out.
I rounded the corner into the frozen section with my carton of beer and just a few more items (and by few, I mean really--2-3 other items!), and who should I run into? Mr. Evangelist and his wife. *sigh* They were preaching a revival at a local church, but they knew me and I knew them. TO MY CREDIT, I carried on a conversation while looking them straight in the eyes. I never blinked and they didn't mention the obvious. However, I'm sure the red was flooding up from my neck to my forehead while I stood there pretending there was nothing awry in my grocery cart. There's no telling what they thought or said after they left, but hopefully it was something along the lines of, "I'll bet she's baking up some beer bread!!!"
Btw, in Oklahoma, you have to go to an actual liquor store to buy anything other than beer or wine coolers.
Moral of the story: Now JEFF goes to the store and buys whatever liquor we require. I refuse to buy it anymore. This is probably a selfish choice, I admit it.