Trail Life USA excludes Mormons, JWs, & US!!!!!
My BSA pack and troop are allowing their charter to lapse 12/31, and are re-chartering 1/1/14 as a Trail Life USA troop. TL has put together a great program in an amazing space of time! These youth programs I've participated in the past six years are chartered at a local trinitarians non-denominational church that has a lot of large homeschooling families.
I was all excited until I learned that TL will make NO exceptions on their statement of faith. In the past, AHG had allowed we Oneness Pentecostals to offer a substitute SoF. TL is patterned a lot after AHG, and the SoF is IDENTICAL.
So I am to be left behind, out in the cold; I can be a volunteer but not an official leader.
Has anybody else experienced this?
I learned that TL's SoF was designed to exclude Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses, so they are definitely uninterested in bending it for OPs. Bend it for one group, and you've got to bend it for all.
I am curious to hear how other Oneness Boy Scout leaders are handling all this, because the UPC denounced all associations with BSA after the vote in May to allow openly homosexual youth in the program beginning 1/1/14. There are hundreds of troops chartered at OP churches. What are you going to do?
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Last edited by OP_Carl; 12-11-2013 at 04:21 AM.