Originally Posted by n david
I agree 1000%!
HOWEVER, (lol) it doesn't always work out that way, even when you try.
If, for example, your church is affiliated with the UPCI, the District Board will get involved. My father found this out the hard way when he tried to retire and pass the church on to a young man who grew up in the church.
The area Presbyter stepped in, demanded we have several ministers come in and "try out" before holding a vote. The young man withdrew, and the vote went to the close friend of the Presbyter....who the next year ran for District Superintendent.
I'm not saying he helped get his guy installed for an extra vote....well, yes, yes I am.
In the oneness apostolic/pentecostal circles , it is a buddy/family system that seems to prevail. I know there are places where perhaps this doesn't happen... but in my experience it has always been the case. My uncle passed his church down to his son-in-law. Every church we have been a part of, the pastor was in the process of establishing his son or son-in-law to be pastor of the church.
Honestly, if all these people who were waiting for their "time to speak" in front of a congregation would just go out into the world, and minister to those in need around them, have bible studies in their homes, find a local hospital or nursing home to minister in, pray and ask the Lord to send you to someone who is hungry and searching.... instead of just waiting around for months to get a chance to preach a sermon in a church building.. perhaps we would see revival!
Originalist.... you can go preach the word without waiting on a church congregation to preach to... pray and ask the Lord to send you hungry souls, and go out into the streets... you'll find them! Don't sit around waiting on a church congregation to invite you in to pastor or minister to... perhaps God is calling you to something much greater than that!
I am a woman, and I am not called to preach, or to pastor, but I am called to be a minister of the gospel! Wherever I go, and whoever I talk to, I pray that the Lord would use me to spread the good news, wherever that is... may it be a bank, the grocery store, a restaurant, the library... wherever I go... I can shine the light of God's love into people's lives, and we can spread the gospel like this, without waiting for an opportunity to have our "moment in the spotlight" preaching in front of a congregation...
Jesus said it best... go ye into the world!