Re: Why The Wrath Of God Must Be Preached
Seeker, What you are saying is true, however, the wrath of God maybe should be preached first. And what do we want God to do, while the wrath is being preached? Knock someone dead? I hope not.
I also am very concerned that the church that preaches the Power, seems to lack the Power? Is anyone even getting saved any more? Is anyone receiving the Holy Ghost in the churches? I don't hear of many healings.
I watched the video this morning. And he is right on, telling the Truth. If there is no preaching of the wrath of God,---then there will be-----no repentance. In the church or out. If God is JUST love, and people have the mistaken idea, that God accepts them, sin and all, just the way that they are, then there is too much sin in the Camp, for God to answer prayer, with miracles.