The Problem with NSA Surveillance Under Obama
I do believe that our government has prevented terrorist attacks because of surveillance under both Bush and Obama. The problem with this activity under Obama is that's we have discovered they also spy on their political opponents, harass them with the IRS and go after journalists they don't like.
It's one thing to spy on Americans who have suspicious associations and have displayed behavior or have spoken words that could be a clue to possible terrorist activity. But this most corrupt administration has shown that they cannot be trusted with so much power and authotrity.
This is what is meant by "elections have consequences". Too many go to the voting both casting their ballot because of party line politics, ideology, hatred for the other side, emotionalism, or simply being swayed by a flashy smile, nice speeches and feel good promises. Unfortunately many voters fail to look at obvious warning signs like past associations, mentors, track record, dubious positions or lack of experience.
On Election Day there are lots of high fives and chest thumping, but after the party is over, someone has to actually govern, work for the people of this country, lead---LEAD (key word here), defend the Constitution.
Of course, too many are too proud to admit the mistake of voting not just once but twice for such a flawed candidate for president. But time proves all things, and with four years behind this president and four more to go, we are beginning to see that although so much was blamed on W, the real problem sat, and still sits, in the Oval Office.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.