Originally Posted by n david
You thinking about leaving MW's already!? 
No. When I left my former Assembly of God church, I tried to set an apoointment, but the appointment had to be canceled. I spoke with him at an altar at the end of a sermon on a Sunday morning.
I didn't like how the conversation ended.
I spoke with him again about an hour ago, in an attempt to schedule another appointment again.
However, we spoke over the phone. He made it clear that he wasn't going to attempt to ask to stay. "It's a free world. The people of the Pentecostals of Apopka are very fine people. I've never heard a bad word about them as people. I think they are wrong doctrinally. I disagree with the notion that a person won't go to Heaven unless they speak in tongues. I disagree with the notion that a person MUST be baptized in the Name of Jesus only. I only have a few serious doctrinal issues with them, but they are fine people."
There was a pause.
I did tell him that there are a couple of doctrinal issues that I am not in 100% agreement with them as well, "but I miss them."
The phone conversation ended positively and Pastor Carl Stephens told me that I was welcome back at his church any time.