Bologna. The "gun control" crowd are very hypocritical. Knives do kill people as do bats. In fact here are some facts for you:
Accidental deaths 2010
Accidental discharges of firearms 606
Accidental drowning deaths were 3,782
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire, and flames was 2,782
Accidental discharges of firearms were less than 9%. Since "gun control" activists want to save even one child - and it is worth it (that is how they framed the debate) - then swimming pools and other bodies of water along with any place where flames are present need to be strictly controlled and monitored by the government. That means heater, stoves, BBQ's etc after all it is for the children!
Breakdown of Homicide.
Assault (homicide) 16,259
Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms 11,078
Assault (homicide) by other and unspecified means and their sequelae 5,181
There were over 5,00 homicidal assaults using other means than firearms.
What the data did not do in the report is break the homicides down by the actions of felons or the assaults while being in the process of a felony - such as drug deals gone bad.
Drug-induced deaths 40,393
Alcohol-induced deaths 25,692
There were over 40,000 drug induced deaths and over 25,000 alcohol related deaths. Deaths by these means far exceed the deaths by firearms which is also a Constitutionally protected right. Drugs and alcohol are not. The politicians, if they cared, would lock down the border to keep drugs from killing so many young people - after all its for the children right?
BTW the data can be found here:
It is hypocritical to focus on one thing - gun control. There are other things that kill FAR more people annually.
Nothing happens by accident in politics.
And politicians never allow an emotional event to pass without them trying to advance their agenda.
In this case there are many that do not want anyone to have a gun other than the Police and the Army. The same ones who advocate this are the same ones that surround themselves with armed guards. Case in point Bloomberg, Feinstein (or is that Frankenstein!) and Schumer and others like Obummer...