To Bear The Cross--What's THAT Mean?
We are all sons and daughters of God. He put forth of His spirit and became in the flesh(son) how He is and taught how we should be(in truth, wisdom and love). He took upon Himself the guilt for our immaturiy(sins). Every man is responsible for His own sins unil He sees that our Creator is willing to accept the blame(all power and responsibility IS His). No MAN can die for nor carry another man's sins--Jesus is God. With Love and respect we are willing to become obedient to His will and accept the burden of His cross----He has the love for us of MATERNAL INSTINCT. If you have become like minded with Him, you will carry this burden of the cross and love mankind with maternal instinct. All will be forgiven all sins except balspheming this love. God IS all forgiving for immaturity but remember--He not only gives what is needed but will place you in heaven according to your obedience to Him. We have to grow up and not repeat our sins. There is rank in heaven--seek last place while alive and bring forth heaven(in THIS is wisdom) The head if God is LOVE--The love of maternal insinct---Jesus Christ is the head of God--not the flesh of a man that walked among us but as the God that He is. The name Jesus means savior--We are all sons and daughters and can become as He is--saviors of love. Be a head and not a tail--God is in all of us and always with us--He wants to be known as Jesus Christ--savior of Love and mankind. Don't see just a man who was--see the face of the Father in every pair of eyes you look into. He is real and He is there waiting and watching and listening--knock(pray)
Yeshua Bless You