Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
po. that vote tally is amazing, I don't see how average americans don't see that repubs are after government power in a different way than democrats. i believe that democrats defend people rights more than republicans. maybe it's a different set of rights that both parties are trying to defend and control.
i went to the fiscal cliff point in the video and watched a few minutes but i recently read "a theology of liberation" by gustavo gutierrez and my religion has merged with my politics. i think i am more left than before, not a radical yet, but i am exploring a lot of liberation material that seeks to interpret the bible through the lens of the poor, marginalized and oppressed. there is woman's liberation theology, black liberation theology, and a general class liberation theology etc. i'm afraid i don't have a whole hour for newt.
You make a good point that I saw more this year than any other - the Republicans are after government power in a different way. One example would be GWB's Patriot Act, which allowed the Dems to take it even further. I really look at it as assisting each other.
You didn't have time for Newt? That's too bad, he is a powerhouse of American courage. I listened to it twice. lol
As far as exploring a political stance, I don't need to go much further than looking for anyone who is a staunch Constitutionalist. What would be great is if we could get a Federalist and a Jeffersonian on the same ticket. Now that would be a great balance and do something for this country. lol