Baptist Church of God in Jesus Name
As some here may remember, I use to post here quite a bit about the need for more unity in the Body of Christ. I've wriiten quite a bit about it here and have been labelled "compromiser" and "Bapticostal" a few times. Well, maybe those who labelled me "Bapticostal" were speaking prophetically. Let me explain....
A few weeks ago, I was awakened late in the night by a phone call. By "late in the night" I mean by my standards. I'm an early riser so I go to bed kind of early. The call came at 10:00 and turned out to be an invitation to church. So, I say TIC, I took this as a sign from God and agreed to attend. And have been attending every since. As it turns out, its a Baptist Church. A Baptist Church with a twist. The Pastor is Church of God. And, as strange as it may seem to some, I feel this is where the Lord wants me to be. So I met with the pastor and told him of my intention to attend, told him of my Pentecostal veiws and that I was "Jesus Name". (For the benefit of you Yankees, this is the Southern way of saying I'm Apostolic.) I talked to him a little about Jesus Name baptism and he has expressed an interest in hearing more.
So... in a nutshell, Im an Apostolic, attending a Baptist Church with a Church of God pastor. So, if that makes me a compromiser and Bapticostal, I guess thats okay with me. So, if you're ever in Alabama, come visit the Fuller Independant Baptist Church. (They have a Facebook page). We're in revival this week and last night, it was a sight to see. Baptist folks and Church of God folks (and at leat one Apostolic) all worshipping together. People laying in the floor, speaking in tongues. Others running the ailes and a few women "shoutin' their hair down". Who know, we may have to unofficially rename the church Fuller Independant Baptist Church of God in Jesus Name!
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
Last edited by OneAccord; 10-11-2012 at 05:00 PM.