I don't know if Liberal 3-steppers is the proper term.
However I find that a lot of people who don't believe in some of the stricter ultra-con standards also don't adhere to
Acts 2:38/
John 3:5 being the Plan of Salvation.
I would consider myself a liberal or moderate three stepper. I watch movies, wear shorts, go swimming in public, have a tv, play sports, etc. Probably because I grew up PAW and we were never taught those things were sin.
However I believe in practical holiness. I do not listen to secular music, curse, practice sin, etc I'm split on the women wearing pants issue, but I don't condemn anyone to Hell for it. I believe that one must repent of your sin, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and be filled with the Holy Ghost to be saved. Are there others like this? Especially ex-UPC?
I ask this because I am moving to an area where there are none of the PAW or PCAF churches I grew up in... and there are only UPC churches in the area. I don't know the specific standards because I haven't gotten a hold of the church yet to discuss that with their pastor BUT I don't know how they'll receive an OP like me that's strong on the doctrine, but will probably be keeping his TV... will be going to the movies every once and again... etc. I'm wondering how that will be received.