Re: "Legitimate Rape" victims rarely get pregnant
Originally Posted by aegsm76
As someone who did some research on this subject, in the past, there are actually some scientific studies that reflect what he stated as being accurate.
There are also some studies, (albeit fewer), that reflect the opposite.
With that being the case, why do you suppose the outrage over what he said?
Let me clue you in.
It is not really about rape, it is about abortion.
Even in the "church" today, we have become desensitized to this issue.
We do not really believe that life begins at conception.
We have bought into the idea that life begins when the "fetus" exits the womb.
Now, this guy was not bright enough to understand that he was treading on a minefield, so he probably needs to withdraw.
However, he was not wrong on his statement.
He was just wrong in voicing it in a public interview.
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