Your articles do not explain why the body reacts in certain ways to stress causing extreme anxiety attacks, lethargy, mental confusion, apathy and manic episodes. The brain is not separate from the body. If the body lacks vitamins, minerals, and other substances that a good diet replenishes the body with, the brain will likewise suffer.
The articles were not addressing those points. they did not set out to address those points. They are articles dealing simply with the claim that mental disorders are caused by 'chemical imbalances in the brain', and they deal with that subject alone - except for one of the articles, which springboards from there into an ethical discussion regarding the federal drug policy and medical pharma policies in general.
We are living in an age where they dump toxic fluoride in the drinking water, chlorine, trihalomethane as well many other chemicals and say it is safe to drink.
We are given drugs that stop the liver from producing cholesterol, but our brain and body cells need cholesterol to mend cells and to produce new cells. It is the way our meat is processed (how they feed the cattle) that causes cholesterol build up in our arteries.
Everybody knows, or should know that substances like monosodium glutamate, (MSG) aspartame, preservatives creates chemical imbalances in the body. It tricks your body's senses when to trigger hunger so that you can eat.
**In fact, MSG (which is often disguised by names like "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" or "HVP", "yeast extract" or "autolyzed proteins") is, like aspartame, a member of the group of chemicals known as "excitotoxins" (the clue is in the name!). These toxic compounds are known to interfere with brain chemistry and have been implicated in many neurological diseases, such as brain cancers, MS, fibromyalgia, depression and hyperactivity (ADHD). In fact, they overexcite brain cells to the point of cell damage and even cell death.***
Some of the effects of aspartame...found in many diet drinks and foods:
In 1997 there was an increase in aspartame users reporting severe toxicity reactions and damage such as seizures, eye damage and vision loss, confusion, severe migraines, tremors, depression, anxiety attacks, insomnia, etc. In the same years, Ralph Walton, MD, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine showed that the only studies which didn't find problems with aspartame where those funded by the manufacturer (Monsanto). Given the agreement amongst independent scientists about the toxicity of aspartame, the only question was whether the formaldehyde exposure from aspartame caused the toxicity. That question has now been largely answered because of research in the late 1990s.
The following facts shown by recent scientific research:
Aspartame (nutrasweet) breaks down into methanol (wood alcohol).
Methanol quickly converts to formadehyde in the body.
Formaldehyde causes gradual and eventually severe damage to the neurological system, immune system and causes permanent genetic damage at extremely low doses.
Methanol from alcoholic beverages and from fruit and juices does not convert to formaldehyde and cause damage because there are protective chemicals in these traditionally ingested beverages.
The most recent independent research in Europe demonstrates that ingestion of small amounts of aspartame leads to the accumulation of significant levels of formaldehyde (bound to protein) in organs (liver, kidneys, brain) and tissues.
Excitotoxic amino acids such as the one which is immediately released from aspartame likely increases the damage caused by the formaldehyde.
I agree with all of that, have known most of it for years, and do not see how that has any bearing on whether or not mental disorders ARE or ARE NOT cause dby 'chemical imbalances in the brain'. All of what you just said is true, and certainly has bearing on mental health in general, but the fact that nutrition has a major impact on mental and physical health does not refute the notion that mental disorders are NOT caused a mythological chemical imbalance in the brain.
Nobody can say that the brain and mental behavior is not caused by chemical imbalances. It may not be caused by neurotransmitter imbalances in all cases. They may not be able to prove it through blood tests or MRI scans or by any other means and they cannot explain the epidemic of human bodies going awry, but I feel sure that somebody...somewhere knows why there is so much anxiety, so much depression, so many children unable to focus. You cannot shoot kids up with vaccines that contain contaminants such as mercury (thimerisol) and formaldehyde and expect them to function like humanity did for milleniums.
The articles say quite seriously that there are NO CHEMICAL IMBALANCES in the brain, while quite clearly affirming that ALL MENTAL STATES ARE BIOCHEMICAL. The presence of FOREIGN CHEMICALS in the human system, which causes undesirable effects on mental and physical health (which are intertwined), does not equate to 'mental disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.' A diet full of aspartame and glucose and corn syrup does not equate to a chemical imbalance in the brain, ie unbalanced levels of neurotransmitters. At least not that I am aware of. If you know of a study that has shown that such dietary additives result in measurable decreases in neurotransmitters that in turn can be shown to directly affect mood and mental health, then I would like to see it.
I would say this is a good example of chemicals causing the body to become imbalanced. It is a chemical that tricks the liver into sending signals to eat more. This causes obesity.
Adding chemicals to your body, causing the body to react in negative or unhealthy ways, is not the same as 'mental disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain'. I understand what you are saying, but I think you misunderstand (somewhat) the premises of the articles I linked.
Also, I would say being poisoned is not a 'chemical imbalance', it is called POISONING!
If people will try to eat a whole food diet, lay off foods with MSG, aspartame and a host of preservative chemicals in them, they just might see some improvement.
Yes, they would.
Those articles are only half-truths. They say nothing about what they all know or should know about the enzymes, vitamins and minerals the body is needing to function but is not getting from our modern food supply.
Nonsense. Your post doesn't say anything about how prayer and holiness can (Biblically) lead to greater health but that doesn't mean your post is 'only a half-truth'. Again, you are wanting them to talk about things outside the scope of their intended purpose.
But for researchers to say that a chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth is to me ...gross intellectual dishonesty and neglect.
Pshaw! Researchers say that a chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth precisly because IT IS A MYTH, an unproven, unscientific, UNTRUTH. And the articles demonstrate that quite clearly.
I think you are mixing definitions here, what you call 'chemical imbalance' would probably more rightly be called POISONING.
Besides, we all know (everyone knows) that hormonal IMBALANCE can definitely affect mental state.
But that is not a 'chemical imbalance in the brain' that needs treatment with SSRI's and other psychotropic drugs.