Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked
My experience with hormones tells me that
one can def have a chemical imbalance;
and following AYR's advice has helped a lot, imo.
For a depressive, $ says you are deficient in
both Omega 3 and vitamin D (and prolly most
of the B's), and a serum test will confirm this.
I credit these two alone with lifting most of my depression,
and if a shot of "5 hour energy" (a horrible way to get B's,
but an easy way to check) lifts ones depression significantly,
there you go. I maintain that these are spiritual problems,
as I was led to these, and AYR's, remedies. Vitamin D hit me
like a B12 shot. Your body uses Omega 3 (and cholesterol)
to make every cell wall. In their absence, it will use whatever
hydrogenated yack you are consuming, resulting in poor
permeability, reduced oxygenation, and poor mitochondrial
output-a recipe for depression. Add the emotional roller coaster
of smoking dope, and I'm surprised you're still alive.
Don't really know much about Parkinson's or Alzheimer's,
but have read that in A's case, it is brain oxidation,
another dietary indicator. Personally, I am convinced that
a Safeway diet was killing me. You want to get high?
Try "Greens Today."