Willful Sin vs. Falling?
Ok, so we talk all the time about how God's mercy covers falling, but willful sin is different.
My question is this... where is the line drawn between falling and willful sin?
Isn't every sin "willful sin". I mean we often know to do better, but we don't.
Everytime I've sinned, I've faced a battle with myself on if I was going to give in to my carnal whims of the flesh or not. Sometimes I yielded, sometimes I did not.
What scares me even though I have seen myself grow and walk away from more and more carnality, sometimes I do slip into my old habbits, and feel like my old self again. And I do it by choice, usually because the enemy will place a lie in my head of depression or God doesn't care anyway, or anything that can be used as an excuse.
Now as someone who feels like God is going to use them in the ministry, I am looking for info on this topic.
Biblically speaking: Where is the line drawn between "wilfully sinning" and "falling"? between "cheap grace" and "grace that is greater than our sins"? between "his mercy endureth forever" and "the cup of iniquity being made full"? between "Lo, I am with you always" and "the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul"?
The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.- Leonard Ravenhill It is not my job to decide what is a heaven or hell issue, that's up to scripture. It is not my job to privately interpret scripture, adding or taking away, that is wrong as well. It is however commissioned to me to rightly divide the word of truth and to study to show myself approved. God's blessings. JBol