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Old 06-18-2012, 08:09 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Well, the Emperor does it again

Originally Posted by AreYouReady? View Post
After talking with a woman for several hours about her pov concerning her son-in-law who is one of those children brought here by his parents, who are now deceased, I have to agree with this post.

According to her, he has now grown up and is "stuck" here. He knows nobody in Mexico and has no known family in Mexico. He is not receiving tax refunds that he is entitled to. He pays taxes, even with a fake SS# and will never collect those retirement benefits if he ever lives here long enough to retire. All that money will go into the SS pool for Americans.

He is continually harassed at roadblocks for various reasons although there are laws that they cannot be profiled for undocumentation. He has paid thousands and thousands of dollars to lawyers as a result of his vehicles being impounded and for them to help him become a "documented" alien, which he is here through no choice of his own.

Some will call him a criminal for being here illegally, but perhaps he is a victim of his circumstances.

We often do not see the tragic consequences of the personal lives of people who only want to feed their children.

It is well known that the large corporations and our government would allow the hispanics (migrant workers) to come and help with the agriculture harvest, but then would kick them back out very coldly when they are not needed anymore.

And yes, there is a household of hispanics that live about a 1/2 mile from me and I am not going to notify any agency of them being there. Why should I? The Sheriff Department is well aware that they live there. I do not know if they are legal or illegal and I am not going to ask. They keep to themselves, are pleasant when they do interact with us. They cause no harm to the neighbors and pay their local bills on time.

Not notifying a federal agency of their presence does not make me or anybody else a criminal. If federal law is that law enforcement cannot ask immigrants of their legality, what good would it do for anybody to report them? They are an exploited and persecuted group of people here in America and I am not going to add to their persecution.

Although I do not think that Obama has written this executive order because of any love he has for these people, I can admire that it is a brilliant political move on his part...a one-up on Romney.

And I do not believe that Romney is telling the truth about executive orders being a "short-term" solution to anything. There are executive orders on the books from 70 or more years ago and those will be legal to enact should any president choose to enact any of those orders. He said he will "rescind" those orders, but what will he "rescind" those orders with?

Congress has been trying to pass "amnesty" laws for decades. The government allowed this uncontrolled immigration to happen for reasons known to them.

Perhaps it is government not being honest to the American people as to why they will not enforce federal immigration laws that have the people so riled up?
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