Originally Posted by AreYouReady?
Thirty years ago, my "instruction" about tithing included that if you give your 10%, you can take it off on your charitable contributions at the end of the tax year.
I also was told that you cannot outgive God when giving your tithes and offerings. No mention of alms.....
While this is very true, I am of the belief that giving is between man and God. I further believe that God blesses because of our faith that He will provide for his children, not because I gave a certain percentage of my income to the organized church system.
You don't consider "alms", giving to the poor, benevolence, etc as offerings? See, you have to understand here, I don't subscribe to the typical financial system most Apostolic churches do... that tithes to the pastor, and offerings to the church operations.
I believe tithes are to go to the local church, and the salaries of the ministers (if they are salaried), insurance, light bill, christian education expenses, etc should all come from the tithe. Then anything anyone gives above and beyond is an offering, whether it be in the missions offering, extra money in the plate, or handing it to the begger on the street needing food.... to me, all of that is offerings.
And yes, I do believe Pastors should be salaried, and have a set amount per month, so that all churches can operate on a budget, have a forecasted budget, etc and plan for growth, savings, etc. I do not believe that all the tithe should go to the pastor, and do not believe that the pastor should own the building, church vans, property, etc.
I also don't believe in external fundraisers, and that all ministries, ladies, men, youth, children, etc should all be funded from the tithe brought into the church.... I know that will set some off around here, lol.