Re: Truth Obscured
Suppose we have what physicists call a two-particle system of zero spin. This means there spins cancel each other; they are phase-locked, or spin-locked--if one is spinning up, the other is spinning down, if the up one has some left spin, the down one will have an equal amt of right spin. No matter how the particlesa are oriented, their spins are always equal and opposite.
Now suppose yuo separate the two particles in some way that does not affect their spin, like electrically. ( I can build and sell you a phase-locked particle separator for...$9.95, no, $19.95, still a huge barg, just holla : ) One particle goes off in one direction, and the other one goes off in the other; at 9X% the speed of light.
Incidentally, you are never, ever, ever, going to get to see a blown-up image of an atom; no matter how strong microscopes get. Every atom that makes up the chair you are sitting on does not exist, in the way you would normally define "exist." There is no dot to see, and as soon as you start looking for one, you turn into a physicist, doing satan's work, sort of, which ends up being chasing God, the very thing he's trying so hard to get away from, which inspiration was the reason for post 1 here. But is certainly not orig to me. Physicists have seen that there is no dot to see.
Anyway, so these two spin locked sub-atomic particles (let's say they're electrons) are now .ox light years apart; we have one trapped in a bubble, and the other one is well past the sun now--I was just wasting time to give it a head-start.
Ok, we can orient the spin of electrons (electron-spin orientation device, $9.95 when you buy the phase-locked particle separator...) with a Stern-Gerlach device, which is not what I will sell you, as it splits beams of electrons either up or down, or left or right, depending on how you have it oriented, and all you really need to do is orient the spin of a single electron, but anyway, you prolly already see where this is going--
If we spin the electron that we have up, the other one, the one past Pluto by now, will be down; if we spin ours left, that one will be spinning right. Etc.
Oh, and when that particle is a zillion light-years away, and we spin ours up, that one will be spinning down...simultaneously, in other words, immediately, no matter where it is. Ya, Einstein didn't buy it either, but there it is. Einstein's theories led him to the inescapable conclusion that this was true, Dr. Bell proved it, and a bunch of them still aren't buying it--but, since we are on our own thought experiment, we are going to assume that it is prolly true if only for the purpose of illuminating how we think, as Bell's T proved something else, below.
You possibly gather intuitively a reflection of God, here, but maybe not. In all my interviews of physicists, I have yet to have one admit that this might even possibly be why a bunch of them still aren't buying it, even the ones that admitted to some belief in a Supreme Being in the carefully selected qualifying questions I would have asked them,
had I actually bothered to interview any.
But the point is, they've seen it and some don't believe it, these guys that know that they know that clocks at light speed stop, at least from the earth-bound pov, even though they are running perfectly. This thing, the phased pair electron thing, is what Bell's Theorem (hereafter BT) proved, using the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics, which are always correct, at least from our pov. But another reality was revealed in Bell's theory, which has been reformulated, repromulgated, etc, to death...vvvmorevvv
Last edited by bbyrd009; 05-02-2012 at 09:23 PM.