Originally Posted by Bro. Vince
Apostolic ... meaning doctrine of the Apostles. You can read in the gospes many times that Jesus called His Apostles in private, and expounded to them the scriptures. John 14:22 "Judas (not Iscariot) Ask Jesus, why manifest yourself to us, and not the word?"...Apostolic doctrine, is what Jesus taught the Apostles. I"ve known Apostolic since 1981, but became a backslider because of "loving this present world"...Glad that God had mercy on me, and brought me back. I'm still learning the true meaning of Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and the power of the Holy Ghost with evidence in speaking in tongues. Also, "No man cometh unto the Father but by Me'...so much to learn. God's word is more important than my natural food.
Amen! Oh wait, sorry, "evidence of speaking in tongues" has no return in a Bible search...but otherwise, Amen!