Originally Posted by Timmy
The Bible did.
To an unbeliever, maybe, "...things that are not..." might surely be the case. Otherwise, get some eyes, and see that you make God a liar here.
Originally Posted by Timmy
If it doesn't exist yet, it doesn't exist.
Well, then perception is reality for you. All things exist in the spiritual plane, and you are free to operate in the physical if you prefer.
Originally Posted by Timmy
OK, I understand that, really. And it usually works, for pizza or turning on a light switch. But it often doesn't work for really serious things, like terminal illness (examples of it "working" do not disprove my claim).
It has no application to pizza or light switches, and you can pray for really nice, wholesome-sounding things all you want, but if they do not align with God's will--which you will also come to know, as it is not a secret or anything--then you are wasting your time. Let me be perfectly clear here; God will not,
can not hear your prayers for the remission of the sin that caused the cancer if you are continuing in the things that caused the cancer, and all the Doctors in the world, or at least in America, trained to treat your symptoms rather than their causes, have a much poorer success rate than, lol, real Dr's for one, and God, who is currently, still, at...100%
Note that "the examples of it working" are not interested in disproving your claim, and I am not either; fine, God is a liar to you then.