Alright folks, I' home, I think anyways.
The service went well this morning. I could not get direction this morning with one main thought, so......I winged it!!! No notes, except what RRFORD gave me last night.
I was extremely busy before church trying to get all my gifts and stuff set up, and all that, then my organist on Sunday Morning was late, so I had to come running down the aisle while my musicians were praying and said "In Jesus Name" and jumped on the organ and played "Blessed Assurance" one of my favorite songs to sing, but NOT TO PLAY!!!! Then I got the pulpit and spoke on"The Greatest Gift"
1 Samuel 1 whole chapter, it went pretty good, At first I felt like I was wandering all over the place, but finally settled into the groove and was able to go from there.
We had a man who is a Seven Day Adventist come today. His granddaughter was graduating and he came because I asked him to. His Daughter-in-law said to me after church, "Well, you just got a MAJOR compliment....Dad said that that was the best Mother's Day service he had ever been to." soooo
I think it went pretty ok. I know one thing for sure.....I DON'T EVER WANT TO BE A PASTOR!!!!!!!!!!
Kansas Preacher, I take back my request for an application for licensing... I don't want one.....EVER!!!!!!!