An Amendment to the Mississippi Constitution
We just had a major vote in Mississippi, the last until 2012. On this ballot, there were 3 initiatives added for the people in Mississippi to vote on to add to the State of Mississippi's Constitution. The one I want to discuss is the "Personhood USA Amendment".
The people of Mississippi voted this down, including many pro lifers.
I 26 contains only 21 words to amend to the MS Constitution as read:
“The term ‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.”
The debate focused only on the abortion aspect of this bill. Aborting a fertilized embryo would be considered murdering the baby. Phil Bryant who won the Governorship was quoted in the paper the day of the election, " If this bill doesn't pass, then Satan wins."
I am many of you would vote for or against this and why? I have a reason for asking because I want to see if somebody else sees what I see wrong in these 21 words, that absolutely nobody mentioned during all the debating of whether this should be voted in or not.
For the record, I am staunchly pro life. I had my babies rather late in life and refused ultrasounds, amniocentesis and other tests for birth defects because as I told my physician, I would never abort my baby just because he/she might be born with spina bifida or downs syndrome or other defects. I would just deal with it if it happened.