Re: General Conference 2011 Kentucky
Originally Posted by CC1
Conference expenses have gone up radically the last decade or so. It costs a lot of money to put on a big conference of any type. This is at the same time the UPCI has had money problems resulting in various departments being eliminated or cut back.
I noticed on the UPCI website that for sessions that had notes you had to print them from the online site as it stated none would be handed out at the sessions. Another cost cutting measure I am sure along with starting next year hosting the conference every year in St. Louis so the HQ staff does not add to the financial burden with the expense of out of state travel, hotel rooms ,etc during the planning and execution of each GC.
I understand the financial reality of putting on GC I just think in the case of actual attendance they need to either have an admission fee or an offering but not both and in the case of online streaming at least offer an audio stream of the night services free then charge for video streams but not the outrageous $75 & $150 bucks. I could see $5 per night at most. Some wealthy UPCer ought to just pony up fifty or one hundred grand and sponser free high quality streaming.
AT GC they usually charge registration fees I do believe. The fees cover specific sessions and not the general ones though.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.