Originally Posted by Bowas
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Two points here. God "formed" man. Doesn't say how long He took to "form" him from the dust of the earth. Forming is a process and implies a period of time to accomplish. Nothing about *poof* *abra cadabra*, *presto* here is man! It says God "formed". And after He "formed" man, man "became" a living soul. This is the same word as in Gen 1:2 renderd "was" (haw-yaw').
For something to "become" something, it must not have always been what it "became". It was either something else or incomplete prior to it "becoming" what it currently has "become". In this case, man "became" a "living soul" indicating Man was not a "living soul" prior to God breathing the breath of life allowing man to become a living soul. Before that, Man did not have a "living soul" but man was still "formed" by God from the "dust of the earth." Elements, chemicals, water etc.
yea but still doesnt mean he created a baby. He could have used the word child or baby to describe it but instead he chose man. He also formed eve pretty much the same day. eve was a abra cadabra, comming from Adams rib, and thus was formed.
God formed adam as a man and not a baby