Originally Posted by sandie
How can we say that God is just and perfect in His ways and then say He sent tornados (to tornado alley of all places) and allowed two baby boys to be violently killed?
God is just and perfect and if He was going to send judgement for what the president said, then I think 1600 Pensylvania Ave. would be the right place.
That would send a message alot more clear then Joplin Mo.
And why is the fact that there has been no movement of borders addressed?
Is God now the thought police? Does He now send judgement for something that might happen????
You tell 'em Sandie. God, IMO, isn't so arbitrary that he sends judgement upon the innocent for the actions of the guilty. He saved Noah and his family from the flood. Delivered Lot from Sodom before the judgement.
Maybe its time to update the photo I posted...
OA, Sandie, Timmy