The legislation also eliminates four Administration “Czars,” including the “Health Care Czar,” the “Climate Change Czar,” the “Car Czar,” and the “Urban Affairs Czar.”
Four czars and two ObamaCare programs ended up getting the axe in the funding bill
•Agriculture: $3 billion cut from FY10 level, $3.2 billion less than Obama budget request
•Commerce/Justice/Science: $10.9 billion cut from FY10 level, $7.1 billion less than Obama request
•Defense: $5 billion increase from FY10
•Energy/Water: $3.6 billion cut from FY10, $1.7 billion less than Obama request
•Financial Services: $2.4 billion cut from FY10, $3.4 billion less than Obama request
•Homeland Security: $0.784 billion cut from FY10, $1.9 billion below Obama request
•Interior: $2.62 billion cut from FY10, $2.8 billion below Obama request
•Labor/HHS/Education: $5.5 billion cut from FY10, $13 billion below Obama request
•Legislature: $0.103 billion cut from FY10
•Military Construction/Veterans Affairs: $0.6 billion increase over FY10, $3.4 billion more than Obama request
•State/Foreign Operations: $0.504 billion cut from FY10, $8.4 billion below Obama request
•Transportation/HUD: $12.3 billion cut from FY10, $13.2 billion below Obama request
Looks like Obama is taking money from our children to pay his friends.
This Big Gubment mad spending has to stop.
Using our taxpayer money to abort babies in Washington D. C. has been cut back.
FOr our democrat friends, taxpayers need to stop the Feds from paying for abortions.