Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I'm not the one that steered the conversation this way. Some are advocating that there is no distinction in dress taught in the Bible and I disagree. The distinction the Apostles taught was "modesty". So, yes, Christians have a distinction from the world and it involves more than just our conversation/behaviour.
Anytime you try to talk about this subject, it gets taken right back to "standards", which is very annoying. LOL! I just wanted to talk about what the Apostles were teaching.
Christians are to be a modest people. Simple. We don't wear that which is designed to provoke lust or to be noticed. Specifics aren't mentioned. Those will be largely cultural.
I currently attend a church wherein the pastor wears causual cloths to preach in and the congregation is also rather causual and the women do wear contemporary clothing, but modest. When I visited my oldtime holiness Apostolic church I was a bit taken aback... I saw far more leg in the holiness church. The ladies wore their skirts and dresses just below the knees and their shoes were typically attractive pumps, heels, etc. Some weren't even wearing panty hose, and their legs looked waxed.
I mean... the women in the church I go to now wear shirts and blouses that aren't that much different from the holiness women I know. They most often wear jeans or pants that show virtually no skin. I'm finding it almost more modest than the holiness church I used to attend. But that's just me.