Hello from a newbie
"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"
A bit about me for those who care to know: I came to the apostolic faith at the age of 23, having married a girl who was raised UPC. Within months of attending church with her, I received the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues, and was baptized in the Name of Jesus. I was a faithful and active in my church for many years, deeply involved in the worship department.
Nowadays, I suppose to some I would fit the label "back-slidden". Although I still believe in the apostolic doctrine, pray, read my Bible, and practice holiness in appearance and deed; I have allowed disappointments, hurts, and my own laziness to keep me from the house of God. My children are pretty much grown and attend church faithfully on their own. But every time I try to get back into my church I find myself disappointed or hurt. I still love the church and the pastor, and I believe I should attend where God planted me. Although the problems I see in my brethren are quite real, I accept full responsibility for not being faithful to church.
Why am I here? Well, I guess I hope that in being here and talking with you all I will find strength to be more faithful to God's house and learn to be more patient with the brethren. I understand that some of you may judge me, that is ok, for no one (but God) knows my faults better than me.
Thanks for reading all of that, I look forward to getting to know you all. God bless.