Re: mark them
"Ugggh! So-and-so doesn't dress like us, they don't talk like us, they don't listen to Christian music like us. They don't go to the right church..." etc etc etc... It's all about I/Me/My, isn't it? Well, that's what so many portray themselves as doing all in the name of Jesus Christ. Sorry to burst someone's bubble, but seriously...there's got to be an analysis performed on EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US, including myself, instead of throwing our haughty, holy ghost boldness at people who have probably never experienced God the way some of us have. The moment we start separating ourselves by the mere idle words we say about someone else becuase of what we see/hear/think we know, we cannot take it back, thus setting us further apart from what God's will is, that every person on earth to get to Heaven.
Instead of being a stumbling block, be a stepping stone for someone...don't cast them to the curb just yet. God could be working on someone just when we've "finished our work."