Originally Posted by Brad Murphy
Kind of, I just seemed to remember posting with you, ILG, Michlow, Carpenter and several others and you were more likely to agree with things I posted back then. Now you kinda seem on the other side of the fence (although I don't really post much anymore, so you have nothing to disagree with. lol)
I am thinking that you are thinking of someone else, Brad. I've always liked your posts (loved the Gingerbread Man!), think you are a great son, but I don't recall ever going as far in my posting as some. I think the most negative thing I remember saying on FCF was regarding tithing. I said, "Sounds like someone is worried about losing their Navigator", of which, I got a huge uproarious laugh from Carpenter. LOL!
My thinking is that I don't mind discussing scripture, and sometimes I have been tired and discouraged, but I've tried to remember that being in the will of God is something that I need to recognize and not try to change on my own volition.
I don't recall ever bashing the organization, because it's made up of a lot of really sincere and nice people. I have a few sad cat stories, but at the end of the day, I grew closer to God through those trials and that is important to me - "All things work together to them that love God who are thee called according to His purpose." That is what I believe, wholeheartedly. I always have.