Their loss is Globals gain (maybe)
There are dozens of us that I know of. Young church planters and pastors who are independent and not really attached to anything after getting pushed/squeezed/shunned out.
There is a friend in South West FL who is running over 200 with 2 daughter works and a soon to be spanish work less than 2 years into it.
Theres another friend in the midwest and another fellow who I know in AZ who is going gangbusters.
Seriously, theres alot of low hanging fruit to be harvested if someone would just pick up the telephone and give a good pitch as to how they could add value to these young ministers lives. All the groups ever show is what they want, not what they offer.
The only thing I see that is remotely what I could/would join is Global Network. There is a TON of pent up demand for a alternative that respects the fact that standards and secondary teachings should be left to the local church.
Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.
When people have the facts, they argue the facts.
When they don't have the facts, they call names.