Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Some of us take seriously Jesus teaching about who he is. Therefore to us this is not "systematic theology". It is life. It is our joy. It is our mission to know all we can about the one who has delivered us from darkness and brought us into the marvrlous light of his truth. We are willing to contend for him.
You think Oneness doctrine comes close but say we cannot answer the mystery. The mystery of who Jesus is? There are many things we dont know about in this vast Universe. Things YHWH has not made known in his word to us.
Who Jesus is is not witheld from us but given through the teachings of Jesus himself and the Apostles.
To say the Church is unified on the deity of Christ is true in this sense that the Oneness Faith IS unified as to Jesus is the Everlasting Father and the begotten Son.
This is heresy to both Trins and Arians.
Go make disciples? That exactly what I have endeavored to do for many years and still laboring.
Tell me where he systematically explained who He is or instructed that as the chief goal of the Church?
We get occasional responses like: "I and my Father are One." "He that has seen me, has seen the Father." This, to people, who were trying to figure out who he.... a prophet, a good man, a zealot... the Messiah?
Debating over godhead theology ad infinitum is certainly life for some, and that's the sad part. That's not what we were called to do. And it's certainly arrogant of any person to suggest they have it all figured out.
I'm sorry MTD, but our mission is NOT to articulate better theology. Our mission is to make disciples and to proclaim the good news of what God has done through Christ. Those discussions can be fun, exciting --- but they are not the mission, and should not be a point of division for the Body.
What you say for "Oneness faith" hasn't even been recorded as being articulated until the last 100 years, and has about 100 different shades and perspectives (there is no solid agreement).
"Making disciples and teaching them all your personal theologies about how you understand the godhead" is not our calling. "Making disciples who follow Jesus and make other disciples" is.