I'm new here, and I didn't look to see if there was already a thread about this somewhere else, so I started a new one. I hope that's ok. I'm not here to start a debate about divorce or whether it's right/wrong/or ok in circumstances, I'm simply bringing up the forgiveness factor that ties into it. I've even in an apostolic church all my life and I was recently divorced a year ago. I believe I made a mistake and was wrong in doing so, but I have since then remarried and I'm trying to start over. My current husband is a new convert to this doctrine and was raised baptist. We both attend a Pentecostal church. I have repented for the wrong I've done and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret what I did. I had a hard time forgiving myself and I still struggle with regret and guilt. But everytime I feel any relief someone reminds me of the wrong I did. Sad to say, but it is always someone from church. I can't even go in to wal mart without running into someone that snares their noes up at me. People who used to be good friends of mine, people in the ministry that I was close to will walk right past me and not speak, or turn and go the other way. How can I forgive myself and move foward when Im faced with this everyday?? We've all made mistakes, some a lot bigger than others. I don't want anyone to condone what I've done, I hate my sin more than anyone because I know the pain it really caused. But how can we claim to be a Christian if We are incapable of forgiveness? Isn't the blood that Jesus shed enough to cover the wrong? Has anyone else been through this, how did you deal with it?