Re: For those that left the UPC...
Originally Posted by Rose
Amen, Bro. I have seen families leave without receiving or taking that advice and end up with more discontentment. They trade one set of circumstances for another... when they can't find a church that teaches or preaches their basic apostolic beliefs. They either compromise or quit attending church altogether. Very sad.
Compromise is not what I worry about. To a right wing concervitive anything away from what they believe would be compromise. When it is only comming to the understanding that what one was taught was false. To quit attending a church can be more detrimental than anything else. We need fellowship of one another. Which is why Paul said that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Although I don't believe he ment church as we know it today. Getting together in a home bible study is just as good as a church service.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail