Ferd, my husband and I were in a church for 4.5 years (in leadership, but not teaching positions), and when we left we were negatively labelled by some, to put it mildly. I remember my husband going with me to a local campmeeting (after we had left) with a little grizzle on his face, and a preacher asked my friend if he was backslid. LOL!!!!! He had come from work, and didn't even really think that much about it. We just happened to run into someone who knew us when we went to "that" church. Our luck!!!!
The best thing to do is take it with a grain of salt, and have a good sense of humor. Many of the people we went to church with there are still our friends, and some who weren't have gradually come around.
ding ding ding!
Been there too MissBrattified. and your answer is dead on.
I own who I am and I dont care what others say about it.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!