This is from Andrew Breitbart, of and as well as other media/news sites.
I have just received word that the New York Times is preparing to go public with a list of names of Americans covertly working in Afghanistan providing force protection for our troops, as well as the rest of our Coalition Forces. If the Times actually sees this through, the red ink they are drowning in will be nothing compared to the blood their entire organization will be covered with. Make no mistake, the Times is about to cause casualty rates in Afghanistan to skyrocket. Each and every American should be outraged.
Now didn't we just have this big brouha a few years ago about W, Rove and Cheney and some woman named Valerie Plame? Yeah. I remember that. People and media were demanding heads on platters for leaking her name ... even though she wasn't covert at the time, nor had been for years before.
So if this is true and the NYTimes releases these names of current covert operatives, I had better see the same people upset about Plame's leak even more upset about this leak. The NYTimes, if true and they do this, should be shut down.
Better than that, the heads of the NYTimes should be arrested and charged with treason ... and yes, treason would apply to what this would be. If found guilty of treason, by all means carry out the penalty for it and broadcast it live on all the networks and cable news outlets.
I'm hoping this isn't true and Breitbart got some bad info, cause this seems low even for the NYT.