Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I don't really think, in all cases, that it's a control issue.
Some men have seen t.v. be a negative force in their saints homes and it does frighten them to a degree. When a man sees these things he has to step back and say, "Can I honestly sanction that from this pulpit?"
I know a preacher that has said, in private, "I don't see that everything is wrong on the t.v., but I won't endorse it over the pulpit."
Then I have heard a preacher say, "You're a big boy. You're a big girl. I don't have to tell you what you need to do."
So, we have these two scenarios and some people torn on the sanctioning. I certainly wouldn't want to force any one person to make a choice one way or the another.
For some, it is a hard choice. I can respect the hesitancy. I think we are leaning too much on the "control" and not giving the people that are "hesitant to sanction the thing" a little credit for being afraid and knowing that whatever happens next could be part of their responsibility. It's not an easy decision for some people. I can't get angry at them for that.
We, as saints, have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
Those chosen for the work of the ministry are there to bring us to maturity, edify us in the Lord and to reprove, rebuke, and exhort according to the word of God. They can't make anyone do what is right or think what is pure. It has to be within the heart of each saint to obey God.
There are some good things on TV and some not so good things, how can we claim to be mature saints if we cannot chose from the evil and the good? Or if we cannot control our flesh to not look at that which is not healthy for our walk with God?