Originally Posted by Hoovie
Oneness Pentecostalism - I use that loosely defined as
Oneness - Those who speak the Name of Jesus at baptism.
Pentecostalism - Those who believe tongues and the gifts of the Spirit are for today and did not cease entirely after the writings of the New Testament.
This is similar to the criteria Talmage French used is his research for Our God is ONE, the most current and exhaustive work documenting Oneness Pentecostalism throughout the world.
Thanks for clarifying. Although, your definition for Pentecostalism would be better defined as "Continuationism" I think. There are a great many believers and denominations that hold this view as well, so it isn't something exclusive to Pentecostals.
I believe "judicial law" has been set down over such Biblical doctrines as belief in Jesus, and repentance, but the soteriological details on the significance of baptism and "tongues" are still being hammered out by many. In other words, some religious leaders have set the bar for Christianity higher than the initial establishment that Christ Himself first put forth. I think forums like this are raising that point, and the belief system a person holds to isn't something that is static, but rather in a state of flux.