Originally Posted by tstew
Seriously, I did not see anything that would suggest that Limbaugh was responding in anyway to a joke on a comedy morning show. Either way, to say what he said about the "black frame of mind" is offensive to me personally, and not the frame of mind of the many black people that I know. I guess, however, since there is apparently one frame of mind for all of us, we just need to get in line 
That's because you are not prejudice because you are a true Christian in your heart. I know a whole lot of black people that are prejudice.
My daughter had a friend, when she was in High School, and the girl had a black boyfriend. They were both going to run by his house and when my daughter got out of the car - blonde hair, blue eyes - the sisters on the front porch were NOT happy she showed up. She thought at first they were going to start a fight with her. One girl started yelling at her for no reason!
What is up with that?
Anyway, David reported a conversation which I am sure is NOT an isolated case. And I am also very sure Rush knows a lot of comments on the same lines and is reporting that. That's what I believe.