Originally Posted by Aquila
I know many might disagree with me, but here's what I believe... in such a case as this we can't really "know" what the absolute truth is.
So what should we do?
I believe we make a conscious choice to believe in the position that upholds our understanding of God's nature and brings the greatest glory to his name. We do this in "faith".
If something appears to be contrary to our understanding of God's nature it has to be rejected. If it brings reproach or doesn't prove to bring the greatest glory to his name it has to be rejected.
No, that can't be right. Then I'd have to reject the exodus, and a bunch of other things in the OT. And quite a few things in the NT. That can't be right.
Oh, but you mean things "scholars" say. OK. Then I have to reject what a lot of them say about the exodus, etc.
Then we must commit our selves and our faith to the Lord; trusting that he will judge our hearts righteously in that our position was to bring our utmost for his highest.