Re: You want to know how it will go in the Judgmen
Originally Posted by LUKE2447
I didn't think so....
For salvation, what people do in response to God's offer of salvation. This of course does not apply to believers.
For reward, this is what believers should concern themselves with, how we steward our time, talent, treasure and take of God's belongings (personal holiness) will determine our place in the Kingdom to come
In the end we will all be judged unto life or death by our works.... If anything is clear in scripture this is it! Your point above seemed to contradict that judgment would not effect our eternal salvation in which we pass unto his glory or unto damnation.
Believers don't have to concern themselves with eternal judgment or the judment to damnation, in that as Sam said our sins have been judged in Christ Jesus.
Since that is the clear teaching of scripture then only thing that remains it to be faithful to remain in Christ and bear fruit so that I might be rewarded in the judgment seat of Christ.
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.