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Old 06-10-2009, 04:40 AM
Falla39's Avatar
Falla39 Falla39 is offline
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7,358
Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

I copied this from an earlier thread I had posted and thought it might be
be good to post again.

In the early 1930's, it was two mothers who obeyed God in repenting, being baptized
in Jesus Name, for the remission of their sins, and God filled them with the Holy Ghost,
evidenced by speaking in tongues.
It was not the fathers, but the mothers that said YES to Jesus! Obeying the gospel
that has now been passed on from generation to generation. Five and ready to go
into the sixth.

No, it wasn't the men but the women who answered the call to be a child of GOD!
ONE was my paternal grandmother and the other was my maternal grandmother!
One from each of their families, a man and a woman, who had also received the Holy
Ghost experience, was my late parents.

Our son in law, married to our middle daughter, pastors the church our late father and
mother founded in 1958. His late Great-grandmother, his late grandmother and her sister,
all came out of the Assemblies of God over 60 yrs ago and obeyed this Apostolic truth.
He is the first of his family to have a "man" obey the gospel. It wasn't his grandfather,
but his grandmother, who obeyed and lived an example to this boy and now a full time
preacher (pastor) of the gospel, a husband and dedicated father of four. His eldest son
is a 15 1/2 yr. old, anointed of God, and being called to be faithful also. Another genera-
tion of TRUTH! TRUTH that sets men FREE, who will believe it!!

Teamwork WILL make the DREAM work! BUT IF he won't do his part, SHE WILL, and CAN
DO IT with GOD"S HELP!! It has been proven to be true! Wise women still seek HIM!

The apostle Paul knew that young Timothy had faith in God because he first saw it in
his grandmother Lois and in his mother, Eunice! He believed it to be in young Timothy
too! Paul wasn't nobody's dummy! And neither are we women! In Christ there is
.....! There are many faithful men who have also obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ
since those early beginnings.



Last edited by Falla39; 06-10-2009 at 04:43 AM.
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