Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace*
The defrauder is at fault for making their spouse vulnerable. They're not at fault for the choice to commit an actual sin.
NO ONE can make you sin unless they hold a gun to your head. It's called personal responsibility.
People are daily tempted to steal (someone working around money who is about to have their home foreclosed on, their children are without food, etc. - would be very tempted to steal, but still shouldn't), murder (burning bed), etc. No matter the temptation making the deliberate choice to sin is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Except that the scripture says - "Defraud ye not one the other.....that Satan tempt you not." Explicitly, the scripture is saying to me - "You are going to cause that man to sin if you withhold yourself from him except by mutual consent. You are putting him in the way of temptation - YOU ARE."
I would never put my husband in that situation. IMO, I would be equally culpable. Then I'd have to rip his heart out, drive down to the river and feed it to an alligator. Of course, all the while, putting the blame on him.