Re: Here's My Definition of "Apostolic Identity."
Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
We are a movement in decline. Our young people are finding new ways to express their faith that have nothing to do with looks and ecclesiastic politics. They are searching for every door labeled "EXIT" they can find.
I am beginning to think God has rejected our movement in favor for a people that are hungry for Him in the here and now. I believe God is sick of our love for pet, extrabiblical doctrine. I think He is moving to a people that love HIM more than they love those old doctrines.
I have always believed that God is more consumed with those consumed with passion and love for Him than he is consumed with our consumption of non-biblical issues. I am sure that EVERY church has things that they teach that are not biblical, but traditional. Traditions of men make the will of God of no affect on an individual that is stuck in the traditions. IMHO
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.