Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Democracy in America didn't help the 16,000 victims of murder last year either did it? Or the 90,000 rape victims. Or 263,000 victims of robbery/assault.
And? Those things don't happen with the motivation being Christianity. Those rapes are not being done in the name of Jesus. None of those are being done in the name of Jesus. If you want to change the topic from religion to nations be my guest. I will get in line first and point out how corrupt American society is.
There is crime everywhere. BUT....the highest prison population per capita certainly is not in a Muslim country is it? Sad as it is, a Christian was safer in Iraq in 2006 than in New Orleans in 2006.
Christians IN Iraq are persected for their religion, not just a random act of criminal intent.
Look it up. Violent deaths per capita. There are a whole list of US cities that ranked lower in safety than wartime Iraq and you look overseas and talk of "second class citizens" and safety.
What you are doing is called a Red Herring.
Get this: I and my family are safer as an American in Saudi Arabia than I was in Houston. That is a FACT and I am on the ground here. Many of us are. Now spend some time scratching your heads and justify that one away.
Yeah? Well get this. If I were in Saudi Arabia I would be very unsafe for practicing my religion openly...
US christians aparantly have little sympathy in the government that is supposed to protect them as well. BTW dont you have an assignment you are supposed to be working on in the Islam vs. Christianity board Prax?
I have no assignments. That is the great thing about being in America. Pretty arrogant that you think you can hand me an assignment and expect me to drop everything do it lol