Originally Posted by Baron1710
Tradition. I did it that way so you are too.
I'll have you to know, Baron, that I LIKE dressing up.
I look for excuses to wear fabulous clothes!!!
Recently our pastor gave us permission to be
slightly more casual on Sunday mornings--and I plan to ignore it completely. I'm a girly girl, and wearing pretty dresses and heels just plain ol' makes me happy!
My two daughters are complete opposites--the youngest has always liked to wear frilly clothes, but the oldest shuns all forms of ruffles and lace. Still, of late, Hannah has taken to wearing heels and dressing up in a sleek, classy style (still with no lace or frills).
People are different--some like to dress up, some don't. I think it's nice to dress up and be clean and shiny when we go to church--but I hope no one is so silly to believe it is a requirement. It would be just as silly a conclusion to label those who dress up as shallow or judgmental because they choose dressier clothing.
For that matter, I've seen the casual dressers criticize those who dress to the nines as being vain, and dressy dressers criticize those who go casual as not taking God seriously. Neither criticism is necessary or accurate.
Bottom line: This is such an unimportant issue, that it should be left to individuals and families with no harsh criticism in
either direction.