Originally Posted by nnorth
I made a decision a year ago not to sign the agreement based solely on the fact hat that I didn't agree with the agreement in it's entirety. I could not honestly sign the contract.
I spoke to my Pastor and he was very understanding. I felt that I could not put him in the awkward situation of making exceptions and resigned my position as a musician.
I believe that it is a matter of the heart and that each member that signs the agreement must be sure that they can comply with the agreement 100% for the entire year.
No disrepect to your pastor,nnorth, let me make that clear... (it sounds like you think well of him, and no one here is trying to put him down, or his convictions)... but the
bolded part above -- THAT is a key issue that I think bothers some of the members discussing this here. If a person is a good, spirit filled Christian and ends up being [in effect] forced out of their ministry because they disagree with even just one point in such a contract, is the body of Christ being well served by that?
Frankly, I wish the original poster had used better judgment and wisdom here, and done better to conceal the identity of the church/pastor involved, because I hate that if one comes out expressed disagreement with the content of, or intention behind, this contract, it may be seen as being somewhat directed toward this Pastor in particular. This is a worthy topic for discussion, but revealing [or giving clues to] the name of the pastor and/or church adds noting to the conversation -- in fact, it detracts from it somewhat.